評価件数: 40
平均評価: 4.6/5
推奨販売価格: $149
説明: RSP Radio Spectrum Processor は、新タイプのSDR受信機。
バンドカバレージ: 100khz - 2Ghz |
現行機種 |
詳細は: Http://www.sdrplay.com
オリジナル英文ページ: http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/12358?page=4
評価: 5/5 |
Oct 6, 2015 17:16 |
Best mid-priced SDR out right now. 中級値段帯におけるベストなSDR |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
I've had my SDRplay for about 1 month now and have been putting it through it's paces and overall I am very, very happy with it's performance.
The SDRplay covers 100 Khz to 2 GHz with no gaps, uses an SMA antenna input and printer style USB connector. The case is probably bigger than it needs to be to house the PCB but I don't mind because with some rubber feet added it stays put. Electrically, it has several front-end filters which are automatically switched in depending on frequency range in use.
The specs state having 8 MHz of bandwidth display available but in reality it abotu 7 MHz of flat bandwidth due to roll-off on the ends.
The built-in front end filters are definitely doing their job by keeping strong out of bands signals out of the receiver. However, like any radio or SDR, strong signals within the filter bandpass will cause intermods if the gain is turned up too high.
The ExtIO dll used to interface the SDRplay to SDR software has a nice assortment of adjustments for gain through the various stages, PPM adjustment and LO choices.
SDRplayとSDRソフトの橋渡しをするExtio DLLは、ゲインを多段階にわたり調整できるステージ、周波数PPM調整機能、LO選択機能等が備わっています。
Frequency stability is a non-issue as I have noticed no drift whatsoever and my PPM value is set to -1 so pretty darn close.
個人的に周波数ドリフトを感じたことがありませんので、周波数安定度は問題にはなりません。個人設定では、PPMは -1 にセットしていますので、非常に誤差が小さいです。
Sensitivity is as good as anything else I have. I compared very weak HF signals (same antenna of course) received on my Kenwood TS-2000 to the SDRplay and the SDRplay picked up everything the Kenwood could. I can't really ask for more than that. Same story on VHF/UHF - just as sensitive as the Kenwood although I couldn't find any consistent very weak signals to test the lowest limits. Overall, from what I can tell it is very sensitive.
I compared 1090 Mhz ADS-B to my RTL dongles with R820T and R820T2 tuners and the SDRplay performed better giving maybe 2 dB better S/N then the RTL with R820T2 tuner. Too bad I can't find an ADS-B app that supports the SDRplay.
1090MHz ADS-Bにおいては、R820T/R820TチューナーRTLドングルと比較しましたが、RSPのS/Nは2dBほど良好でした。SDRplayをサポートしているソフトを見つけることができなくて残念です。
I am seeing no desense on 70cm when transmitting on 2 meters. - again front end filtering is working well there.
For about $149 it's a good deal and the perfect device for somebody who has dipped their toes onto the SDR waters with a cheap RTL-SDR dongle and wants something better without spending several hundred dollars.
So how could the unit be better?
1. Provide a USB cable with Ferrite chokes installed.
2. Install in metal case to help with RF shielding.
3. Provide sharper filtering around the amateur bands so that gain can be increased without overload/intermods from strong out-of-ham-bands interference (like the Funcube Pro Plus does).
1. USBケーブルにフェライトコアを使用する。
2. RFシールド効果を良くするために、金属ケースに入れる。
3. アマチュアバンドには、狭帯域フィルターを使用する。アマチュアバンド外からの不要波によるオーバーロードや今変調を発生させることなしにゲインを上げられるからです(Fundube Pro Plusのように)。
Perhaps the next version could add these hardware changes for not too much more money.
多分、次期バージョンでは、あまり本体の価格を値上げせずに上記の改良を取り入れてくれることでしょう。 |
評価: 5/5 |
Sep 23, 2015 21:06 |
Great device, affordable too! 優秀なデバイスであり、お買い得! |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
I have been using other SDR receivers over the past year or two - the inexpensive "RTL-SDR" type of USB dongle, the FUNcube Dongle Pro+, and the HackRF. When I saw the SDRplay price had been cut to US$ 149, I ordered one from the UK manufacturer in July. As previously noted, the SDRplay is now sold stateside by Ham Radio Outlet, making it easier to buy in the US.
私は、RTL-SDR USBドングル、FUNcube Dongle Pro+、HackRF等の安価なSDRを1-2年使用してきました。SDRplayの価格が149ドルに値下げされた時に、7月に英国のメーカーから直接購入しました。以前から知られていますように、SDRplayは現在 HROショップでも販売されているので、米国内の入手が容易になっています。
I have been using the FUNcube Dongle Pro+ for working amateur satellites. Its only real drawback for me is its limited bandwidth, only 192 kHz. Otherwise, it is a capable SDR device for working satellites. Being able to receive bandwidths up to 8 MHz in a device that costs US$ 149 is great! And now that the SDRplay has no gaps in the range it receives, it is even better.
FUNcube Dongle Pro+をアマチュア衛星用に使用してきました。その欠点は、192kHzしかないバンド帯域です。衛星通信用としては、それ以外の欠点はありません。帯域が8MHzある149ドルの受信機は魅力的です!この時点では、ギャップ問題も解決していますので、更に良くなっています。
With an SDR receiver like the SDRplay, I can see all of a satellite's transponder - not just the frequency I am hearing from the receiver. This is a powerful way to know where to tune and work other stations during satellite passes. I transmit to the satellites using various radios, but normally with a Yaesu FT-817ND. With the recent launch of a new group of satellites from China on the weekend of 19-20 September 2015, I have been able to show the signals coming from one group of 6 satellites on that launch at the same time (all of their frequencies line up, one satellite after the other, on the 2m band) within a 600 kHz bandwidth.
I have used HDSDR, SDR#, and SDR-Console with my SDRplay, but prefer HDSDR for my satellite work. HDSDR can write an RF recording of what it receives. Then I can play it back later to see what else was on from those satellites, and even hear stations that I might have missed on the transponders. I can then pipe specific signals from the passband into other software - for example, to decode SSTV from the ISS, or to decode some digital audio.
The SDRplay plays nicely with the latest crop of small (7- to 10-inch) tablets with Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. This has the potential to make a very small and powerful all-mode receiver covering MF, HF, VHF, UHF, all the way to 2 GHz. I use my SDRplay more with an 8-inch Windows 10 tablet than I do with a larger laptop or desktop computers - and it works great!
SDRplayは、最近の小型(7-10インチ)Windows 8.1 / 10 タブレットでも良好に動作しています。MF/HF/VHF/UHF - 2GHzまでカバーする小型でパワフルなオールモード受信機を作ることが可能です。私の場合、大型なデスクトップやノートPCよりも、8インチのWindows 10タブレットで使用している頻度が高いです。
Would I recommend the SDRplay? Definitely! I might end up buying a second SDRplay, so I can use one at home and have the other for use away from home. This device has a wider range than the RTL-SDR type of dongles, and even the more expensive Airspy receiver (it is based on the RTL-SDR dongles, covering 24-1800 MHz) that requires an upconverter if you want to hear more of the MF/HF bands other than 10m and 12m.
SDRplayを推薦しますか? はい、2台目のSDRplayを購入しようかと思っているほどです。1台目は家で、2台目は家以外で使用しようかと思っています。このデバイスは、MF/HF帯(10mと12mは除く)を受信するためにはアップコンバーターを必要とするRTLドングル(24MHz~1800MHzを想定)やより高価なAirspyよりカバー帯域が広くなっています。
評価: 5/5 |
Sep 23, 2015 18:39 |
A $5000 receiver for only $150 5000ドルの価値がある受信機がたったの150ドル |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
At the present time I am using it as an IF spectrum display for my Yaesu FTDX-5000 on the HF bands. Much better than the LP-PAN+PowerSDR combo I had been using in the past. At first I tried it with the free HDSDR software app but found the software lacking in features I wanted for amateur radio use (your opinion may vary). HDSDR hasen't been revised since 2008. Now I prefer using the free SDR Console app version 2.7 from SDR-Radio.com. This software app is under active revision and well supported. I am running it on a six year old 32 bit dual core PC under Windows 7 and concurrently with my favorite logging program, Log4OM. I understand SDR Console works just as well on an Windows 10 PC. I found the SDR Console software to have a wider range of features that are compatible for ham radio use. The Console user's manual is very well written and can be downloaded from their web site. For CW and SSB work I couldn't be more pleased with this combination. The SDRplay receiver is an exceptional buy at this price. I ordered mine from the U.K. manufacturer but I saw recently that HRO became a U.S. distributor.
現在、HF帯で、FTDX-5000のIF用スペクトラムディスプレー用にRSPを使用しています。過去に使用していたLP-PAN+PowerSDRの組み合わせより全く良好です。最初は、HDSDRソフトと使用しましたが、私がアマチュア用途で使う機能が欠如していました(個人間で意見は異なりますが)。HDSDRは、2008年以降更新していません。現在は、SDR-RadioからのフリーソフトであるSDR-Console V2.7を好んで使用しています。このソフトは、現在も更新が継続されており、サポートも良好に行われています。6年落ちの 32bit デュアルコア Windows 7 PCで使用しています。同時にLog4OMログングソフトも動かしています。Windows 10でもSDR-Consoleは動作するものと認識しています。SDR-Consoleは、アマチュア用途においてより多様性があると思います。Consoleのユーザーズマニュアルは大変良く書かれており、SDR-Radioのwebからダウンロード可能です。,CWとSSBにおいては、この組み合わせに敵う組み合わせはありません。SDRplayは、この値段にしては非常に良い買い物です。英国のメーカーから買いましたが、最近ではHROが米国の代理店になったようです。
WM3M |
評価: 5/5 |
Sep 19, 2015 08:23 |
Great, outstanding receiver 最高に卓越した受信機 |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
This little box is amazing. I don't often do reviews, I know I should since I read them all the time, but I had to do one on this SDR receiver. I have had several SDR devices over the past year or so, I owed the FunCube, Flex 1500, SoftRock, and a $15 USB SDR from Amazon, I either sold them or sent them back. Install was easy, I went to the SDR play web page, downloaded and installed the two drivers, downloaded HDSR, and it all worked first time, very easy install. I used the defaults, did not change any settings. It hears well from MF all the way to 1296 Mhz. As a test I am running it with WSPR-X, it ran all night and I copied nearly 300 hits on MF 494.2 kHz, some at minus 31 dB, this is as good or better than my K3 which has been hardware modified for better copy on the MF band. I had promised myself I would not buy anymore SDR devices/receivers, since I had 4 already, but when I saw it on the HRO web site I gave it a try. I have bought many things from HRO over many years and always have been pleased with them. One caution, I downloaded SDR-Console from SDR-Radio and it blew away my Windows 10 desktop, I had to go back to a restore point before it was installed.
この小さな箱は脅威です。私は殆ど評価を書きませんが、何時も読んでばかりなので今回は書かないといけないと思いました。今回は、このSDR受信機に関して評価を書きます。この1-2年の間、幾つものSDRデバイスを所有してきました。FunCube、Flex 1500、SoftRock、Amazonの15ドルのUSB SDRです。すでに、それらは売ってしまったか送り返しています。インストールは簡単でした。SDRplayのウwebページ行き、2つのドライバーをダウンロードし、HDSDRをダウンロードしたところ、一回目で上手く動作してくれました。非常に優しいイインストールです!初期設定値で使用し、どの設定値も変更しませんでした。MFから1296MHzまで良好に受信できました。テストとしてWSPR-Xも一緒に起動しました。474.2kHz(USB dial)で一晩受信したところ300局誓うのログインに成功しました。これは、私が持っているMF受信用に改造を施したK3と同等か、むしろ良い結果が得られました。すでに4種類も所有したので、もうこれ以上SDRを買わないと決心していたのですが、HROのwebサイトを観た時に、再度購入してしまいました。HROからは長年にわたり色々な物を購入してきましたが、常に気にいっています。一つだけご注意 - SDR-ConsoleをSDR-Radioからダウンロードしましたが、Windows10 デスクトップを飛ばしてしまいました。インストール前の状態にロールバックする必要がありました。
I have only had the SDRplay for a few days but it works very well so far, if anything changes, I will update this review. Try it.. 73 Emory WM3M
SDRplayは、まだ数日しか所有していませんが、今のところ大変良く動作しています。何か変更が発生しましたら、この評価記事を更新します。使ってみてください。 73 Emory WM3M
評価: 5/5 |
Aug 28, 2015 21:46 |
Affordable Awesomeness お金で買うことができる驚愕の受信機 |
所有期間: 3 - 6ヶ月 |
Like many newbies to SDR, I began with a cheap little dongle to get my feet wet, and it was certainly fun enough, for a little while. The cheap dongle's myriad limitations were apparent from the beginning but I could overlook them for a short while.
But then of course, the need for FAR LESS images and intermod, the need for filters and AGC, basically the need for a GOOD receiver resulted in my trashing the dongle and trying one of those $40 or $50 Chinese HF/VHF/UHF boxes.
Well... it really wasn't much better than the dongle. A waste of money and time.
So I wanted to try a 'real' SDR but I could never afford the high-end SDRs available; I could spend about $200 at most, and so I just thought I'd wait for however long it took to be able to afford one... and then I saw that SDRPlay had been reduced to $150.
No-brainer for me. Which is great because I don't have any brain anyway.
It's affordable, the shipping was crazy fast, and it was very easy to connect to SDR Console, HDSDR, and SDR#... and let me tell you, when you finally get a GOOD SDR receiver, you realize it's all about the antenna.
We all know it's about the antenna anyway, all the time, but having a wideband receiver like this can point out to you the limitations and quirks of your antenna/s.
Once it's up and running, the SDRPlay is very rewarding, fun to use, and for $150, come on! It outshines many portables in that same price range, and it's small enough to be portable itself, at least to travel in your computer bag.
VERY well done, well priced, well worth it.
非常に良くできており、お値打ちな受信機です。 |
評価: 5/5 |
Aug 28, 2015 05:57 |
Excellent! 卓越している! |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
I must agree with all of the review being made here...from the shipping time, to installation of drivers/software, to the performance of the device. It is an amazing piece of work. I connected it to my Carolina Windom antenna. The easy of use of the SDR# is a plus. I am planning on testing it through other software as well.
ここでなされてきたすべての評価に同意しなければなりません。輸送時間、ドライバー/ソフトのインストール時間、このデバイスの性能に関して。驚くべき作品です。Carolina Windomアンテナに接続して使用しています。SDR#は簡単に使用できますのでプラスになっています。他のソフトでもテストを予定しています。
One thing I need to find out is how do I protect the device from my RF station.
Rafael / NN3RP |
評価: 5/5 |
Aug 13, 2015 17:00 |
Amazing! 驚いた! |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
This is an amazing deal! The price is great and the radio even better, especially when paired with the free SDR-Radio Console software. Customer service was good, it arrived from the UK to USA in 7 days. The installation of drivers was a breeze. I did need to get an adapter from a local store so that I could connect it to my antennas with PL-259s on them. O own three other SDRs including a Flex 3000. The SDRplay receive performance matches my others and the ability to receive up to 8 MHz bandwidth (split in to up to 6 VFOs if needed) is astonishing for the price. You can't go wrong with this!
驚くべき掘り出し物です。値段も良いですし、特にフリーのSDR-Consoleと組み合わせて使った場合には無線機としても更に良い評価です。カスタマーサービスも良好でした。英国から米国まで7日間でした。ドライバーのインストールも難なく行えました。M型コネクタが付いているアンテナと接続するために、近所のストアでアダプターを買う必要がありました。Flex 3000を含む3台のSDRを他に所有しています。受信性能は、他の3台に匹敵し、最大で8MHz(必要であれば6個のVFOでスプリット可能)のバンド幅は、この価格帯においては脅威です。この受信機で間違いないです! |
評価: 5/5 |
Jul 18, 2015 09:16 |
great sdr 素晴らしいSDR |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
Love this thing. sounds great, runs great. I use HDSDR software on it and love the sound coming out of it. FM radio is great and so is every thing about it. They shipped it from England on Monday and got it on Wednesday in the USA, Idaho!! Don't waste your time buying the dongle. It is a waste of your money.The SDR-PLAY is it!!
この受信機が気に入っています。音も良いですし、動作も良好です。HDSDRソフトを使用しており、そこから出てくる音が気に入っています。FMラジオも素晴らしく、全部が素晴らしいです。英国から月曜日に出荷され、水曜日には米国のアイダホ週で入手できました!!ドングルを買って時間を無駄にしないようにしましょう。お金の無駄です。SDRplayにしましょう!! |
評価: 5/5 |
Jul 8, 2015 02:41 |
RSP sensitivity, frequency accuracy & stability RSPの感度、周波数精度/安定度 |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
I got my SDRplay RSP two months ago. For LW-SW reception I use a home-made pa0rdt-Mini-Whip antenna (50kHz-30MHz) in combination with a home-made tunable pre-amplifier. For FM – 2m I use a modified telescope antenna. I also have a few cheap RTL-SDR sticks for use with an up converter and an old Kenwood R1000 receiver. For SDR I use both, HDSDR and SDR# software.
SDRplay RSPを2ヶ月前に購入しました。LW/SWの受信用に自作のPA0RDTミニホイップアンテナ(50kHz-30MHz)と自作の同調調整可能なプリアンプと共に使用しています。2m FM用には、改造したロッドアンテナを使用しています。アップコンバーターと古いKenwood R1000受信機と使用する為に、安価なRTL-SDRを数個所有しています。SDR用には、HDSDRとSDR#を使用しています。
The first thing I noticed is that the SDRplay RSP works well below the specified low frequency limit of 100kHz. For example, the time signal (DCF77) at 77,5 kHz is well received. The lower limit in frequency for practical use seems at approx. 50 kHz.
最初に目に止まったのは、SDRplay RSPは、スペックの下限である100kHz未満の周波数でも動作するということです。例えば、77.5kHz (DCF77)の信号が良好に受信できています。下限の実用的な最低周波数は、50kHzぐらいだと思われます。
That was a good start. However, the extremely high sensitivity really knocked me off my feet: Stations which are noisy on the R1000 (so far my unbeatable workhorse) are pretty crisp and clear in the RSP, thanks to the innovative LNA concept. Furthermore, I could receive weak stations even in between strong signals – of course somewhat noisy. But in the R1000 they are buried within the noise and you would not have guessed that there is something. That also holds for FM and 2m: my cheap RTL-SDRs are much, much worse, even when using an external LNA.
The next positive impression was on frequency accuracy and stability. The displayed absolute frequency appears accurate within less than 100Hz for my RSP. Besides accuracy, frequency stability is the key– otherwise any fixed ppm-corrections are useless. For my RSP I could detect no frequency drift e.g. within a few hours of receiving SSB/CW or when tuning in the next day. In complete contrast to the RTL-SDR sticks I have tested – they drift like hell.
Another positive observation is the low heat generation of the RSP (– no comparison to the RTL-SDR sticks). Maybe this also contributes to the good frequency stability of the RSP.
What is left to say: Congratulations to the SDRplay engineers who have developed this superb piece of SDR hardware! For me this little black box was worth every penny.
NN4F |
評価: 5/5 |
Jun 2, 2015 20:17 |
Amazing Value & Performance 驚くべく値打ちと性能 |
所有期間: 0 - 3ヶ月 |
The RSP is a new sdr receiver from the guys at sdrplay. I've been into sdr radios for a few years now, started off with the cheap RTL dongle setup, and then I spotted the RSP, I was looking to upgrade, but still didn't want to pour a small fortune into it. The specs of the RSP caught my eye, it has a 12bit ADC compared to the 8 bit in the RTL dongles, allowing for a greater dynamic range, I've had the RSP for 2 months now and so far, I'm very impressed, the support from the company is excellent, it has drivers for windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, I use it under windows, with SDR-Radio, also HDSDR, SDR# and its EXTIO dll runs under several other programs, my main use has been for general HF listening and using it as a panadapter for my FTdx3000.
RSPは、SDRplay社により作られた新しいSDR受信機です。SDRに入門して2-3年経ちました。最初は、安価なRTLドングルで、次にRSPを発見しました。アップグレードしようとしましたが、その時点では少額の掛けにでようとはしませんでした。RSPのスペックが私の目を捉えました。RTLドングルの8bitに対して、RSPは12bitのADCであり、より大きなダイナミックレンジを可能としています。現時点で、RSPを2ヶ月間所有していますが、非常に感動しており、SDRplay社からのサポートも充実しており、Windows、Linux、Mac、Raspberry Pi等のドライバーも用意されています。私は、Windows上でSDR-Radioや、HSDR/SDR#等と使用しており、そのEXTIO DLLは他の幾つかのプログラムでも動作しています。私のメインの用途は、一般的なHF受信であり、FTdx3000のパンアダプターとして使用しています。 、
Performance wise, when attached to a decent antenna is amazing, I would put it up against any of my older receivers or ham radios, the reception is better than my FT100D, obviously the SDR filtering is amazing and sharp, allowing close in operation to other loud signals, I will do a more in depth review after playing with it some more, but so far I am very impressed, for the money, it is one hell of a piece of kit...